Creating Email Address "Aliases" Exchange 2007 SP1
Hi!I was wondering if anyone could explain how to create an email alias for an existing user? Either in the GUI or shell.I.E. I have an AD User with a mailbox, but I want to be able to set them up with another email is primary but I also want them to be contactable on can multiple users have the same alias? (I have managed to do most of what I need with Mail Enabled Groups but there is always a few oddities...)ThanksMark
December 4th, 2007 4:39pm
To create anothe email address for a user, open the Management Console. Find the user that you want to modify and click Properties.
On the Email Addresses tab, click Add SMTP address. Enter the address you want the user to have.
Only one user per email address is possible.
That should take care of it for you.
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December 4th, 2007 10:03pm
What about creating a group alias? For example, I want clients to be able to send to to go to,, and
August 8th, 2008 8:49am
I think what you are looking to accomplish can be done by using a mail enabled distribution group. This would be accomplished without a mailbox at all and simply forward messages to to your users in that group. Otherwise you can create a sales mailbox and create a rule that upon arrival emails are forwarded to the users.
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October 8th, 2008 6:09pm